View Full Version : N00B Unlimited General Chat

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  1. Post your Gaming area
  2. ill let you guys decide on the layout
  3. Website updated but will be ongoing
  4. website
  5. Yo
  6. Baton rouge
  7. GMod - Map
  8. Quit Smoking and New GPU
  9. My Betta Fish
  10. Yay long time no see.
  11. Donations?
  12. sorry for the down time
  13. For DJ/Onehit
  14. hows ur military school:(
  15. Theres a wet spot in my pants $5:5
  16. new quote for the week
  17. [DANGER] [N/U] Server [24/7]Office[Stats]
  18. My new car :)
  19. My appreciation.
  20. steam servers hacked; username, pw's, and possibly credit cards info leaked
  21. ???
  22. sorry for the absents
  23. clan on xbox 360
  24. Happy thanksgiving!
  25. New Channel
  26. Where is everybody
  27. ZerG is sad..
  28. Tonight Tonight theres a party in teh nu office server
  29. Servers
  30. Weird problem switching weapons?
  31. Need some Steam tech help
  32. I miss nu :(
  33. call of duty elite
  34. i need players
  35. server
  36. damn guys..
  37. Where is everyone?
  38. Fun
  39. soisois am i still a admin
  40. BF 4 is sweet
  41. Long time no see
  42. http://32bits.org/
  43. Its been a long time
  44. still checking in haha
  45. !!!
  46. its been a while
  47. Alpha one servers
  48. Uhh.. Hello There!
  49. Говорим вслух: энергоцелитель Алекс
  50. Оптимальный выбор для азартных игроков
  51. Авиабилеты Москва Милан