View Full Version : Admins in Office
11-02-2009, 06:19 PM
I've seen some new changes in the NU office admin department. new faces with power and new faces wanting respect. I to was an admin for NU in the office and if i can give you guys any advice. Dont be so quick to mute/slay/kick/ban.. this sever lives on the people in the comunity. if you keep kicking and banning we wont have any noobs left to welcomb and own. i see no problem with showing respect to a player, and giving proper warning. but its tough to know what action to take when you are being told by he players." slay him slay him" but keep patient, being cool and relaxed but still holding the admin wipe is what alot of the players like. they like to be able to joke with you and talk. so when a joke appears and it hurts your feelings dont ban/kick... that wont help. but anyways welcomb to the admin side. good luck
<p> Frosty vaginal Discharge</p>
11-02-2009, 09:50 PM
Yes this community is built on players. However; we don't want a community build on players that talk non-stop and are disrepectful. When trained admins in office have been told to keep the talking to a minimum, and mute players that fail to do so. So you've seen first hand. The admins and players have been told by the Higher Powers that the talking on the mic will be taken away, and has been removed a few times already, if the talking doesn't keep down to a low roar. So yes admins will be tough.
About the "slay him, slay him" people say that when its 1:30 or pretty close, which by that time (1:30) if the CT is not getting the hosties, said CT will be slayed. That's the rule.
The whole joking thing. Some cases that ok, and good. If that admin can't take a joke, and that joke was disrespectful, said joke should not have been made in the first place. If an admin doesn't mind that joke than so be it. That's up to the admin in which the joke was directed.
11-03-2009, 12:29 AM
Remember kids.... That statement is from one of the most Ban happy fuckers you would ever meet. Monty take that shit somewhere else !
You was Admin a very short time and had more bans than our Sr. Admins do. Don't come here trying to preach to us how to conduct ourselves, Get bent !
U Fail...but i fail too (cause i wear pink crocs!)
11-03-2009, 06:35 AM
welcomb? I know your E buttons not broken.....
11-03-2009, 07:19 AM
go pen!
11-03-2009, 11:50 AM
maybe some1 should close this thread before it becomes more of a ragethread...
11-03-2009, 12:48 PM
I'm leaving this thread open for now but I do not want to see anyone calling people names and raging on each other.
11-03-2009, 01:24 PM
well said Jackd.
11-03-2009, 11:52 PM
To be honest, this isnt a threat to bash on admins... i figured ide just post something i know have been looked down upon and i was encouraging the new admins... dont understand why you guys figired i was bashing the admins... they are doing their jobs in perfect harmony. all you need to do is read and be like," hmm ok ok i see.." not ," wow fuck you monty cocksucker" im mearly stateing what ive seen work and so forth. please dont take this as a negitive thread, just a chance to possably see another side... you can read if you want or iggore what i said its completly up to you. but again not ment to be taking negitivily.
11-04-2009, 12:11 AM
Well the way your first post reads your basicly telling the admins in office they are being impatient, can't take a joke, and slay/kick/ban people to quick, and now you're saying they are doing their jobs in perfect harmony. It's an honest mistake if you didn't mean it in a negitive way.
I stand by my first post. Some of the rules, or admins, and admin training might have gotten a lot strickter since you've been admin. However; those are the rules and if you view them as to strick or wrong, please infrom an Owner about said complaints and they might change, but probably not. And if an Owner doesn't want to deal with it or are plan out to busy to listen or deal with it your welcome to come to me and if its a reasonable complaint I'll inform the HigherPowers about it. You can reach me through:
Steam: word NoogehMonster
Xfire: noogyman
The name calling part of this was completely out of line and not needed. You have your opinions just like everyone else and have to right to voice them as long as they are not completely pointless, dirsepectful, or violate the rules set for by n00bunlimited.
Have a Nice day,
11-04-2009, 12:44 AM
Thought I throw in my 2 cents, as Ive been on office for a very long time, and not just as Admin but as a regular player. You get to know who talks what and who does what. Personally, I know pretty much all the regulars that come in everynight, and I know all the people that come in everynight and sometimes like to get carried away. Yet I know they wont go to far, because there just not like that. If a name comes up and I don't recall the name and he is mic spamming or whatever, then yea I may react quicker than someone's name I do know.
Just over time, and play there a lot, you know the regulars and you know the outsiders are :)
11-04-2009, 01:10 AM
hmm, no rules are good... perfect even. it all depends on how you excercise the controll of the rules.. w/e i see your point.
11-04-2009, 05:14 AM
I Guess I Have to Come Back To Sort Out These Boys Behavioral Issues in Our Server. haha.
11-04-2009, 09:39 AM
115 days ago Doll Girl, push the log in button already :)
11-04-2009, 02:26 PM
I Guess I Have to Come Back To Sort Out These Boys Behavioral Issues in Our Server. haha.
o be scared
11-04-2009, 02:38 PM
I don't think she has the parts personally :)
HAi Dollgirl :)
11-04-2009, 02:47 PM
look what i did for you guys. i got doll back :D
11-04-2009, 04:49 PM
I understand on some levels where your coming from Monty. But from an antagonistic perspective you used to cause havoc on the regular office on a regular basis, and had consequently been banned. Yet, you didn't cause a fuss. Is it because you feel new people are power-hungry new faces demanding respect; because if that is the case they wouldn't have their apps accepted for admin. We try to do our job to the best of our abilities and still be able to have fun on the server. I personally as an admin have an extremely low tolerance for pity bullshit, but other admins have a higher tolerance to it, namely Saper(PiLL). I can relate to where your coming from but my advice to you is to simply follow the rules. You don't have to follow them like an orthodox religion, but read them as they are written and you should have no problems with any admin.
11-04-2009, 06:18 PM
welcomb doll, hmm i see i see. i follow the rules other then mic abusing, but who doesnt on nu office.. would like to know a list of what rules hits the admins more.. i know for an instance torc you like when peope stfu when dead.. which is good. so that would be.. ide have to say your rules your dilligant on. i know some admins like the 130 and your sayed rule lol... always fun.. but i see your points.. i would like to know what admins take kindly to what ... and i didnt make havoc for he sever... or did it .. w/e irrelevent.
11-04-2009, 10:54 PM
Rather than searching for admins that will let you get away with things, just try following the basic rules. It really isnt hard.
11-05-2009, 12:09 AM
Rather than searching for admins that will let you get away with things, just try following the basic rules. It really isnt hard.
And Torc has a excellent point on the tolerance topic. Some people just a little more relaxed then others and some are a tad bit snappier on the draw. But if you don't like us, then don't fuss.
11-05-2009, 12:43 AM
11-05-2009, 11:19 AM
Amen Saper.
11-05-2009, 07:38 PM
11-06-2009, 12:00 AM
Personally I had my share as being an admin. Its a tough position. I wasnt the best, but I did
my best. I had times where I didnt think and acted on pure aggression, for that I apologize.
The best way to become a good admin is to roll with the punches. There will be hard time as an admin, but as long as you keep a cool head and stay positive....then everything will be a okay.
Best regards to those who are still admins and those that are just becoming admins. Keep the server safe and clean.
Oh and remember, if you make a mistake as an admin, have the guts to apologize and man up to your mistake. Ive seen too many admins do the wrong thing and when its a mistake they do not man up to it. They simply tell the guy to "shutup and respect the admin"
Respect comes with time. I learned that the hard way I guess.
11-06-2009, 10:12 PM
***Guys this is a serious matter. Stop posting usless shit. There is no need for 1-2 word posts. IF you have something good to say about the topic of this thread so be it. If not don't post anything.***
About the admins having their on tolerance. This is in fact something that needs addressed. Yes some admins are more easy going; however, you shouldn't let some people talk a lot on the servers because they are regs, and be harsh on new players. IN fact you should be harsher on the regs because they should know the rules. We won't new players to come and become regs, yet if they see you let other people talk a ton and get by with it and not them thats not how it works at n00bunlimited. We as admins are to make it more inviting for the n00bs that come into our servers.
11-06-2009, 10:51 PM
i hold no punches with anyone i tell you right now you have aproblem bring it the the website
and throw a post in if you feel i was an ass to you. idon't care if your aregular or not you don't
follow the rules than you will suffer the consequences of the action that i when your
told to stay off your mic cause your mic spamming than stay off. all player's need to follow
the rules as well as admin's. were not here to give you a hard time we are here to make everything go nice so you can have fun in the game. we have a job to do so if you think
just cause your a regular you can get away with shit than forget it.just like noogy said people make mistakes if we make a mistake than we will act like humans an apologize
this is all bs anyways what is being said here the real problem is? if thier is none than have a nice day.
11-07-2009, 10:45 PM
Once I Get My First Check and Pay Some Bills, I'll Be Sure to Hit up some Donations...
Its Hard when Your Fired from Your Job with Nothing in the bank to fall back on. Sort of the reason why I disappeared off the face of the earth. haha.
I should have more extra time & I just got a job so I'm hoping to come back to being an Admin soon in Reg. Office. :D
11-08-2009, 01:01 AM
Glad to hear you are back on your feet. We miss you.
No but seriously get back in here so you can straighten these office guys out!! :-D
11-08-2009, 08:04 AM
Glad to hear you are back on your feet. We miss you.
No but seriously get back in here so you can straighten these office guys out!! :-D
lol i don't need straightening out
11-08-2009, 08:22 AM
yes you do need it
11-10-2009, 12:59 AM
Glad to hear you are back on your feet. We miss you.
No but seriously get back in here so you can straighten these office guys out!! :-D
I believe I am back and so is my admin. Mucho Gracias Gods of N/U.
When I get my first check this month I'm hoping to donate for my thanks.
11-10-2009, 01:57 AM
Welcome back Doll!
Is this thread finished. I actually think more than half these posts aren't about what this thread was meant to be about.... hahahahaha.
11-10-2009, 03:07 AM
chuckle at all of you. glad to hear that admin are becoming a bit more strict. definitely remember some times when i'd just mute everyone so i could hear myself shoot. as for the bans, monty, were you the one that banned for no reason? no idea who it was, but that still cracks me up! :D
11-10-2009, 04:24 AM
Is this thread finished. I actually think more than half these posts aren't about what this thread was meant to be about.... hahahahaha.
dont all threads end up like this? lol
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