Older Activity
1 Day Ago
this web site will be here when ever that day comes.... unless i die unexpectantly lol
1 replies | 845 view(s)
4 Days Ago
Today it is time to start testing the latest large release of IPFire. It comes with a brand new kernel based on Linux 6.12, collectd 5, faster...
0 replies | 487 view(s)
2 Weeks Ago
Foundation is Now Available on Steam and is 25% off!*
Foundation is a grid-less, laidback medieval city-building game with a focus on organic...
0 replies | 1228 view(s)
3 Weeks Ago
Welcome to the first release announcement of the year. The IPFire development team has been very busy over the holidays and is bringing you the...
0 replies | 4065 view(s)
- Date of Birth
- January 30, 1992 (33)
About <JohnnyBoy>
- Biography:
- JohnnyBoy
- Location:
- Plano, Texas
- Interests:
- CSS, Football, Wrestling
- Occupation:
- None
- Steam ID:
- STEAM_0:1:24034454
- My Favorite PC Game:
- Counter Strike Source
[COLOR="Magenta"]6:32 PM - V A N E S S A: umm i have to go to the store in alittle when i come back i'll go on
6:32 PM - V A N E S S A: since i misss YOHHHH SOOO MUCHH![/COLOR]
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Total Posts
- Total Posts
- 738
- Posts Per Day
- 0,13
- Last Post
- My puppy does TRICKS! 02-22-2011
Visitor Messages
- Total Messages
- 11
- Most Recent Message
- 10-09-2010
General Information
- Last Activity
- 12-01-2015
- Join Date
- 01-26-2009
- Referrals
- 0
36 Friends
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