You're Storm Striker right?
Yeah i know Storn, he gets on my nerves realll fucking bad
You know if i would not have paused my admin and he had said as much stuff to me as he has said to you storm he would be gone for a while...*cough* no one likes him anyways*cough*
thank you.
lol kaley bra If thought it was good then it is their other wise dont try and get inolve with shit that you dont know about. (-,..,-)
you banned a guy for a week for *admin* disrespect??? LOL what did he do... say fuck you? cause i say that to you too lol
Thanks Man. Haha.
dont fuck with sean. He's a Boss.
bitches cant bitch slap people. they can only get bitch slapped
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That UMP Fag
Gundam Addict
t3h camper
N|U g0d