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Thread: Future hopes for N/U

  1. #1

    Post Future hopes for N/U

    Hey anyone that's still out there.

    I really hope that in the near future a worldwide phenomenon game is released with servers like the days of old. With active admins playing with community members, banning blatant hackers, and mic spammers, and racists. Having a place for regulars to go every evening, instead of matchmaking against randoms every game. To make friends, collaborate, communicate, feel included in something good. The state of gaming sucks right now, even the new Call of Duty now looks closer to Fortnite than ever. 90% of shooters now have "operators" or whatever other name they give them. Every Action and RPG games are clones of eachother. Matchmaking has had the biggest impact on player toxicity than ever imaginable. You never see anybody ever again, its like how people become assholes when they drive a car. "Flip that guy off and tell him hes a fucking moron, and call him a (insert racism). Fuck em, youll never see him again!" I know that there has always been this sort of interaction on online games, but man it used to be more uncommon and now its the norm.

    There are still a few good games here and there. Indie games have been where its at the last 5-10 years. Rocket league was something else, until Epic got their hands on it and have been actively removing functions and implementing new features at speeds as if there was 1 guy working on it in his spare time on weekends. The core gameplay is still good at least.

    Looking forward to the day when we can all meet again online, and have a good time.


  2. #2
    g0d! Contributing Member siosios's Avatar
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    this web site will be here when ever that day comes.... unless i die unexpectantly lol

    |W0rd|SexualTurtletara420ת/ύ: Hey there daddy..

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