Quote Originally Posted by donkey View Post
wow it is so amazing how many people turn there back on one another that fast.

lol i know right
i dont understand you guys.
you guys have good,nice people in your community which are really good friends.you treat them with respect and help them out and what not
then,when they decide to leave for whatever their reason is,you go off on them.

and to symp.donkey was a great leader,his team is on the verge of going IM.
and too symp,no shit sio is going to do shit for N/U, is HIS community. im pretty sure he will do anything he can and sees what is right to do to make the community better.
and you are calling him pathetic? to me you are pathetic. acting like you were good friends with donkey,bein chill with him,and then saying that the only reason you enjoyed playin with him was because of a tag?
all i have to say is that,just like sio said, if donkey says he is leaving,let him leave.dont come in here bitchin about his post.