The last month and a half to two months, Zombie has been deader than, well, the fucking zombies on the server. It's been my home at N/U for about a year now, so it really sucks to me to lose this since this is where my shit has been. I've made maps for the server, configured the admin plugin, made a promo video for it, and done all sorts of stuff for ZM, so it's really shitty that it's dead.

But it's still dead, so what are we going to do about it?

First I'd like to explore the reasons behind its demise...

A: Tons of regulars and admins spontaneously disappeared.
- Jack, Spyder, Zaku, Zekeus... They're hardly on...
- Cancer's gone, Juu isn't on as much, etc...
B: No Jr. Owners around D:
C: Exam Season could have contributed to this
D: Old Maps

So like, for whatever reason, probably something to do with exams, people stopped coming on the server. Also, some maps on there were real old. Random and I, then Sios and I a few weeks later went and updated the maps but the server was already dead at this point so it was too little too late.

Anyway, what can we do about this? In my opinion, the server is fucked, and it's gonna stay fucked, until we get a dedicated Jr. Owner to help populate it again, someone who has the time for this. I would do it, but I don't have a job ATM, and I don't have the time given how much I map and model for the game. I spend too much time on other shit to be a Jr. Owner. So, IMO, unless we KNOW that the lack of leadership will be fixed, then, I say we replace this server with something else.

We can take suggestions as to what we replace it with, but personally I'd like to see a stock and custom map rotation server because that's something I can make maps for.

Whatever, tell me what you think, ideas, suggestions, etc...