Hello everyone. I am just posting here to make it known that because of his good service as admin in the servers and as an active member here on the forums Sajora, Random, and I have got together and decided that DoT should be named lead ZM admin for ZM.

What this means:
- On occasion DoT will be responsible for training new Admins
- If there is a rule dispute between admins, DoT's word goes (Unless one of us 3 can be reached.)
- DoT has been given the powers of a Jedi Master to better enforce the rules.

DoT has been active both on the forums and in the server and has taken the time to really learn the rules. Additionally, I asked around the other admins and no one had anything negative to say about him. Like, nothing at all, which I was very impressed with. The reason we chose someone to be a sort of lead admin is that currently Random and I are not online enough during the evenings to resolve disputes between admins. Sajora is a lot but he's usually only on in the mornings. If DoT makes a decision and someone has a problem with it you can come to Random, Sajora, or me if they aren't on for a clarification, but until you get a hold of one of us I want y'all to respect DoT's word.

Note: DoT doesn't have seniority over a lot of you, but he has proven himself to be a balanced and fair admin so that's why we chose him for this.