I know I'm not admin in Zombie Mod, but if my word counts here it is:

McLuvin may be a good kid, however, I've seen him use racist terms in game towards other players and even an admin (Sacabu). He was also Mic Spamming A LOT when there were no admins on for me to contact. I have a short demo of this that I decided to catch at the end of it when I couldnt get hold of an admin.

On top of that, he was not even aware that he gave you an illegitimate Steam ID:

Quote Originally Posted by SlipperySam View Post
Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:0 01:22 126
I'm just sayin, the admins that posted here, maybe you should look into the applying player before dropping a comment. Someone you've seen as an angel once could turn out to be a satan's dog behind your back.
I'm also not saying McLuvin would be a terrible choice for admin, but he does need work.

Druggy Out

P.S. Here is your actual Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:20477403