1: must be a responsible member of the community. (in the forums and in game) everyone here knows that i very responsible when it comes to taking action

2: clear minded thought process and thinks before he/she says or acts on anything.yes like above everyone knows i am clear minded (when not drunk)

3: must have the ability to help the community with donations. this is the one area that i wanted to talk to nat an saj about i have no money haven't worked for bout 9 months and living on food stamps and help from family members i would sell everything i own to donate but i have nothing left to sell really so i was hoping i could at least get prov admin or people could help donate for me if at all possible

4: has to be 18 years of age or older (some exceptions are made but not many) i am 33 way over the limit

5: has played on the servers for at least 3 months.
6: knows the rules of the servers. bout 2 to 3 years total for n/u

7: must be able to learn things as explained to him/her the first time. yes i am extremely smart in picking up new shit

8: must have the willingness to do his job in game rather then ignore the players and continue playing.
everyone knows my reputation here (for right now i bug all the other admins reg to get probs fixed

9: should be seen helping enforcing the rules. everyone knows my reputation on this and if not just ask

10: must Have Xfire. no i don't but will get back if approved

11: must have the Ventrillo client and know how to connect and participate in our Ventrillo server. no access to a mic at the moment but when i get one yes

12: references from admins you play with a plus but not mandatory. i could list a ton of names but no need everyone here knows me and my reputation on servers and forums all admins and regs of zm know me and alot of other people
13. Not have admin on any other server, or owner of there own pub server. no i don't

i know i am asking for alot considering i can't help donate
but i really miss helping out other players and teaching people how to play right and fair and to help in the early mornings when all the rule breakers are on and no one to control the situation

believe me i will accept it if denied but not to lie i would love to at least be a prov admin for the time being