Probably not the answer you are expecting/looking for:

-1 from me.

I trust vince enough to make the right decision and he seems to be in your favor as does everyone else who posted. My vote was brought by how extremely eager you are. I've been playing on N/U servers for 4 years now (going on 5) and I've been an admin here for roughly 2? So I've seen many admins come and go. Most of the ones that come and go are the ones that are eager to get the power. I'm not saying that it's a bad thing to want to help the community, but it is kind of obvious when you are in-game saying to the whole server "Man i wish some admins would comment on my app" then message the admins on steam asking them to post. I'm sure 90% of the admins have seen and reviewed your app. Maybe from the players point of view it seems like a quick yes/no decision but it is much more than that. We take the time to observe everything the possible future admins do/say to make sure that we make the right decision.

I ramble...

So yeah... -1 from me.

- Dotty.