well donkey ill tell you this much the server has been online for over an hour so you can take that comment and shove it. you dont dictate what i do and when i do it, dont like it then do as you stated and leave. ive been working my ass off and ungrateful pushy little brats like your self demanding a date and a time of when ill have the server up is idiotic to say the least.

i dont like the fact that while you and the rest of the community get to enjoy life doing whatever it is you enjoy doing im stuck sitting here working while my girls i havent seen in a few months are sitting in the living room wondering when thier father is going to get off the damn computer...... fuck it im done and ill get the other servers up when i feel like it.

ps: half the maps wont load on the cal server becuase of transfer problems but oh well thats what i get for rushing things to please people
