Quote Originally Posted by POW
The only thing that I am worried about would be when putting CAL maps into the rotation and then serious CAL/CEVO players start playing,the ones that are always serious and think that their shit don't stink(word has/is never been like this they are always respectful and fun to play with ) the laid back(but competitive), easy going, friendly(usually) environment that is a part of the N/U DM might be lost.
Just comes with the turf. Ppl will who get my respect have to earn it. If they like talking shit then w/e, as long as they can back it up. Most of the time, you chit chat a bit and they turn out to be decent ppl. I can name a few ppl here like that off hand.

Quote Originally Posted by Wolfeh Whore
Is there anyway to have a set up where when the map is about to change people can vote for the next map.

Have a bunch of these maps on their and see which ones get played the most?
We had a plugin like that, but Sio was having trouble with it. Instead of him wasting his valuable time, i told him to scrap it. :/

It's up to him if he wants to spend the time integrating into the server...