.... After a recent meeting I had at work, I was told that they would be starting to make more cut backs one of which was higher paid employees would get a pay cut and guess who the lucky winner was

I dont know how things are all over the country but its almost impossible to live in Ky now since we have no kind of empoyment laws and companies can do what they want. So that being said, This will be my last month as an Admin/Jr. Owner at N/U I really hate saying this and I wish I could keep donating but at this point I am not given a choice. yea I could try and find another job, but theres two problems with that.... any company here that hasnt shut down is mininum wage and I am not far from that now... so where I am at is as good as it is for now.... but its been a good run for me, I have made a lot of friends at N/U and everyone knows I do and will help with what I can... I will see you guys in game...