I have played on the ZM server a while back.
Its a very nice setup, a few more rules than what we have in NS for camping spots, but very well put together.
I'm thinking that one of your admins said he'd ban me if I used my dualies again in there.
(fire em fast script =

bind "uparrow +attack; -attack;bind downarrow +attack;-attack;wait;"

I play with a goofy set of binds ( instead of WASD I use 8456 7 for Q; 9 for E; 0 to jump) works for me

I play on NU office sometimes as well.
I am also all around the website on NS, AMP, and others.

Quote Originally Posted by Sajora View Post
welcome to the forums.
hope you enjoy your time here.
is it possible that ive seen you in our zm server? somehow ur name sounds pretty familiar to me