For one you guys need to calm down. WedgeAntilles you are being disrepectful overall in every single post your making towards admins which is agaisnt the rules set forth by n00bunlimited so you need to stop, and all you others making posts yelling at him you are also not helping this problem so lay off.

First you broke a rule, regardless if you knew it or not, so you were punished thats what happens:
- Humans can't be inside spots where Zombies have to crouch to get in.
- Exceptions to this rule are spots where they are wide such that 3 zombies could all go in at once and they are not deeper than the height of a vending machine. An example of a spot like this that's legal is the warehouse on zm_winterfun.
- Humans are not allowed to put props into vents where you have to crouch to get in or crawl through. (Like maybe a legal spot is at the end of a vent. Humans can't put props inside that portion.)
- Humans can't shoot into vents like that either, unless there is another way to get into the room. An example is the roof of the cabin in zm_complication_v6. You can shoot the vent thing there because Zombies can also climb up the sign.
- Humans can't camp in places that are more than 2 or 3 filing cabinets high off the ground if there is no other way of getting there (like a teleport or helicopter).
- If a Human is breaking any of those vent-related or prop stacking rules, the steps are as follows:

Second.... Cancer. You were actually in the wrong yourself, you were right to punish him however :

1: Warn//Admin Chat
HERE---->- If they ignore u or don't respond, set them on fire until they pay attention.
- If they still don't pay attention burn them to death.
- If they do respond, tell them to get out. They must get out immediately. If there are Zombies outside and you think they can be given a chance to get out try it, but usually Zombies are dumb and will try to kill them. The Humans will just have to deal with dieing.
2: If they go back to the same spot or a similar spot later, kick them from the server.
3: If they come back and do it again warn them again, try to get their attention. If this means slapping or burning or whatever do it. I'd rather an Admin got through to someone than we just ban them when they don't respond.
4: If that doesn't work, then ban for a day.

These were written by none other that Natalya herself. Even if you told him to get out, you failed to set him on fire to make him listen, which was the next step.

You guys do not need to make posts yelling and cussing each other out. That is completely pointless. If you have a complaint make a FORMAL one.

Seeing as you now know the rules, and you were punished for breaking a rule this seems to be resolved if a mod could close this thread.
