Quote Originally Posted by vince21 View Post
he's kind of right on this one. i know that i only ever aim for the head, even when awping. it not only kills people quicker but helps overall. you are able to aim better, plus you get used to where your gun should be positioned to get the hs, so you react to that, even when they jump.

as for getting into word, i didn't even bother applying until what, like 4-6 months ago? i've been a regular here for going on 5 years. for us, n/u is a home, not just a clan. that's why i wanted to join. not just because i was a decent player, not because i wanted to be in a clan, but because i wanted people to recognize that i was a bigger part of the server they played on. that i was proud of the community and what it stood for. i wanted to help the community grow and help with the upkeep of it. one way to prove that you are "word-worthy" is to be active, not just on forums, but in the community. actually care about what the hell we do here. there are very few word members that i know of that aren't active anymore. and they were at one point. word isn't a now and then deal. it's commitment for years. i have no intention of leaving this community anytime in the near or foreseeable future. it's my second home and i am here to help. that's what i want to do. that's what i attempt to do. i joined word, because they accepted me. i'd still be active in the servers and in the forums and in the community even if they hadn't. it just meant a lot to me that they were willing to accept me as one of them and recognize that i do care about what happens here. it's not all about the kpd. not to most of us. honestly, if you had told me that i would become a jr. owner this soon after becoming a member of word, i would have laughed. i never thought i would be able to give back to this community what it has given to me. i am HONORED to be a jr. owner and represent word. it's a privilege, not a badge.
You aim the head even when awping? With a awp you should just aim the chest.