Quote Originally Posted by 2.random View Post
dude its not my fault u guys fucken suck at this game and rage because others are better. and the kicked for spamming is because i was seeing if i was ungaged yet by your sorry ass admin abuse. naw dude for you to jump to mutes and gags after dying 1 time is bullshit! if you got a problem with people being better kravin then get some hacks or something bro cuz i dont see ur skill ever improving.

i play to have fun and fuck around. who takes this game serious now and days? dude there are plenty of other dicks in the server that u need to focusing on who are braking the rules, and not me owning ur ass all the time. lol stop raging u seem like the kid!


yes i can act like a dick and yes get off at people raging cuz i find it funny. and i only press my bind when kids start raging and or talking shit on there own. scorch i talk shit to u because you rage and you get mad and u talk shit so i do the same after.


Hey man take it easy, this isn't getting you anywhere. Just because you may be better doesn't mean you have the right to be rude. I love both of you guys, but take it easy, this is a community for people who play well and people who don't not everyone is as leet as me...