Quote Originally Posted by Scorch View Post
Fuck off storms my bitch i keep him in order(don't be an ass). Ehh alll i can tell you is ask yourself, do you want to keep your job or take the chance of getting your ass kick or you kick his ass and probaly get his girl. If thats the only job you got or you have worked up in the ranks and levels in that job then i guess keep it. But if its like a little shit job you dont care i'd say go for it. On another note Siosios does have balls of steel, thats why i bought a cutting torch the other day for pasties.Basically don't be a dumbass like kaley and loose something you can't afford back. The bitch still owes me my money back but ill accept in other forms of payment D: jk
I am the Real Storm! He is a look-a-like!