Hey Towelie, you're also forgetting something else...

Even if you didn't hack...
Even if KAC didn't ban you...
Even if you didn't sell hacks...
Even if all the accusations made of you are false...

You seem to forget that:
A: This is not a Democracy
B: There is no Bill of Rights here
C: This is a privately-run community paid for by donors
D: You have no right to play here; we just make the servers public and non-passworded so people can if they want
E: We therefore reserve the right to deny access to anyone
F: As developer and head admin of the RP server I'm denying access to you because
1: You're annoying
2: You ruin the game environment for other players
3: I don't like you
4: You are annoying
G: The only way you will EVER get unbanned is if you somehow convince Sios or Pasties to tell me//ender to unban you
H: GG now GTFO