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Thread: removing dot from servers/website

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  1. #1
    g0d! Contributing Member siosios's Avatar
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    dot broke the rules and miguel came to bash so the ban is what it is for both of them. people can blame me or any of the other owners for what has happened over the last month or so but ultimately it falls on the players and the regs. ive made it very clear over the months that this community cant live with out donations on top of what the owners and jr-owners and admin put in, but yet when push comes to shove instead of helping the community with skill, money, being friendly to noobs that join the servers the ones that complained the most about our non-profit place of play are the ones that dont do shit to help out.

    im tired and im going to bed

    night night

    |W0rd|SexualTurtletara420ת/ύ: Hey there daddy..

    \\\ ///
    ( @ @ )


  2. #2
    Server *****istrator N/U Special Forces
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    Ok, here's my end of the story. Yes Dot did try and recruit people through STEAM, and n\u admins, i was sent a game invite from him for almost 2 weeks straight after he started his community, and at the time I WAS AN ADMIN on n\u. BUT, as part of our n\u rules, it dosen't say anywhere about how some1 invites somebody in steam chat. I remember always hearing that if you wanted to recruit somebody keep it out of the servers and take it into steam chat. But purposely take away the remaning members of THIS community?? Just as noogy said, when you have done wrong, you get punished, take Sajora for example, he was a jr owner(just like dot) he put in donations(just like dot). Just cause some1 has helped the community in the past makes them right to take away our regular players? I THINK NOT. I will not lie, I was once a jr owner for dot back at n00bInvasion, but quickly went back to n\u a mear month or two later after his servers crashed and burned. Miguel, you of all people as a (FORMER ADMIN TO N\U) should know this is not the way you act in a forum. you are acting like a childish kid to defend your owner.miguel i would go into great detail on how you let this community down but you and dot being removed is satisfaction enough. even though we know and have proof of yo'll yes i said YO'LL doing wrong, there is no need to try and defend your selfs here as you have been caught. take it as a departure notice, you have served your community well in times of need but now it is time to say goodbye forever like sajora. And nadia, i know your just trying to stick up for your older brother, but plz look at this evidence, you know who is right and who is wrong here, no need to drag this on any further.

    and miguel, tib is a DEDICATED player to this community, been here just as long as I have, if you have a problem with the term "DEDICATED PLAYER" then go read a book for gods sake, you make yourself sound like a complete idiot. I am one of these "DEDICATED" players just as well as you x-storm and dot are dedicated so forcefully on having your own community over and over again. I have a home at n\u and i am here to stay, and if it so happenes that this community dies then so be it, it will be my LAST home on counterstrike. when we were laggy in the servers i didnt even wanna play the damn game, yes, i went to other servers while i waited for it to be fixed, but none were as fun and exciting as the n\u servers. we are all friends here and have fun at what we do, no other community or place could replace that for me. now as thats said, goodnight.

    ps: Dot idk if u can read this, but by doing what you did, that resulted in us having to reduce our servers to what they are now. you took away donations that were beeing brought in each month to keep this community running, took away admins that paid there dues each month, pretty much killed us and hurt us even more than we were already down. im not saying that you DID violate the rules, but I am saying that because of YOU, THIS COMMUNITY is at where it is at now.

    Last edited by onehit; 12-06-2010 at 08:39 AM.
    effshowٿ: you backstabber!
    onehit420: backstabber?
    effshowٿ: you started the orgie without me!

  3. #3
    Server Admin Trained Monkey
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    Quote Originally Posted by onehit View Post
    Ok, here's my end of the story. Yes Dot did try and recruit people through STEAM, and n\u admins, i was sent a game invite from him for almost 2 weeks straight after he started his community, and at the time I WAS AN ADMIN on n\u. BUT, as part of our n\u rules, it dosen't say anywhere about how some1 invites somebody in steam chat. I remember always hearing that if you wanted to recruit somebody keep it out of the servers and take it into steam chat. But purposely take away the remaning members of THIS community?? Just as noogy said, when you have done wrong, you get punished, take Sajora for example, he was a jr owner(just like dot) he put in donations(just like dot). Just cause some1 has helped the community in the past makes them right to take away our regular players? I THINK NOT. I will not lie, I was once a jr owner for dot back at n00bInvasion, but quickly went back to n\u a mear month or two later after his servers crashed and burned. Miguel, you of all people as a (FORMER ADMIN TO N\U) should know this is not the way you act in a forum. you are acting like a childish kid to defend your owner.miguel i would go into great detail on how you let this community down but you and dot being removed is satisfaction enough. even though we know and have proof of yo'll yes i said YO'LL doing wrong, there is no need to try and defend your selfs here as you have been caught. take it as a departure notice, you have served your community well in times of need but now it is time to say goodbye forever like sajora. And nadia, i know your just trying to stick up for your older brother, but plz look at this evidence, you know who is right and who is wrong here, no need to drag this on any further.

    and miguel, tib is a DEDICATED player to this community, been here just as long as I have, if you have a problem with the term "DEDICATED PLAYER" then go read a book for gods sake, you make yourself sound like a complete idiot. I am one of these "DEDICATED" players just as well as you x-storm and dot are dedicated so forcefully on having your own community over and over again. I have a home at n\u and i am here to stay, and if it so happenes that this community dies then so be it, it will be my LAST home on counterstrike. when we were laggy in the servers i didnt even wanna play the damn game, yes, i went to other servers while i waited for it to be fixed, but none were as fun and exciting as the n\u servers. we are all friends here and have fun at what we do, no other community or place could replace that for me. now as thats said, goodnight.

    ps: Dot idk if u can read this, but by doing what you did, that resulted in us having to reduce our servers to what they are now. you took away donations that were beeing brought in each month to keep this community running, took away admins that paid there dues each month, pretty much killed us and hurt us even more than we were already down. im not saying that you DID violate the rules, but I am saying that because of YOU, THIS COMMUNITY is at where it is at now.

    I am quite annoyed to find my name mentioned in this as I haven't replied at all in this thread. You mention my name as if I am someone whom just change to a new community over and over again. This is offensive towards me.

    I changed server because of 3 reasons:
    Many of my friends left.
    I was a ZM reg and I do understand that Ender worked hard on it, but it was non-playable for me because of lag, but without a zm server I had no reason to stay.
    Because of discussions like this appearing on the community more often than earlier also pushed me away from here.

    Saying that I am "Dedicated" to leave every community and never have a "home" and that I am not loyal is highly offensive towards me and I would rather see the g0ds of this community making their own members (Some of them, not all!) speak more respectful rather than just us the supposed "outsiders" having to do it all the time.

    This is what I had to say. I joined 28roundslater to help make a zm place for those who lost theirs here.

    Also Dot may have invited people to play his server. But he never forced them to join. They took that decision themselves. So you cannot put all the blame on him.

    I am not trying to put fuel to this discussion, but I believe i had my right to reply to Onehits accusations.
    Last edited by X-Storm; 12-06-2010 at 10:26 AM.
    »LB« Dot.: I'm a space bound rocket ship and your heart is the moon...and I'm aiming right at you!
    X-Storm: Wait what?
    »LB« Dot.: I'm a space bound rocket ship and your heart is the moon...and I'm aiming right at you!
    X-Storm: Ookaayyy then

  4. #4
    Server *****istrator N/U Special Forces
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    Ok storm, before i reply to what you just said we are not on here to TROLL on eachother.

    your name was mentioned because you,miguel and dot were the ones who started nI and I know that you guys started 28rl. Everything I stated in my post was nothing but the TRUTH. and you know it is.

    and whats with these "accusations"???

    I said i am a dedicated player to this community as well as tib BECAUSE Miguel was replying with stupid remarks, and when i mention your names, meant to you guys are dedicated to wanting your own community, which you know is the truth and isn't a lie. so u saying that I accusing you of something that is wrong is totally wrong. nothing that I posted was false, but only the truth, if you cannot handle the truth then get out of the kitchen. This thread was meant to let the truth out of the bag and not to TROLL on others. So as you know that you guys started nI and as you just posted "This is what I had to say. I joined 28roundslater to help make a zm place for those who lost theirs here." shows that you started 28rl as well, so where in my post AT ALL shows where you are accused? nothing but the truth.

    its a shame when i mention the truth of people, they just spit back with remarks that they were accused. just shows that some ppl can't handle the truth and pisses me off when they point it in a totally different direction as the one word meaning was meant. Had nothing to do with you not having a "home" nothing to do with you moving from communities over and over again just SPECIFICALLY that you guys are dedicated to having your own community. which was tried more than once, and this time has succeeded. so take it as you wish storm, you know that this is true, and so does everybody else.
    Last edited by onehit; 12-06-2010 at 11:24 AM.
    effshowٿ: you backstabber!
    onehit420: backstabber?
    effshowٿ: you started the orgie without me!

  5. #5
    Server Admin Trained Monkey
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    Quote Originally Posted by onehit View Post
    Ok storm, before i reply to what you just said we are not on here to TROLL on eachother.

    your name was mentioned because you,miguel and dot were the ones who started nI and I know that you guys started 28rl. Everything I stated in my post was nothing but the TRUTH. and you know it is.

    and whats with these "accusations"???

    I said i am a dedicated player to this community as well as tib BECAUSE Miguel was replying with stupid remarks, and when i mention your names, meant to you guys are dedicated to wanting your own community, which you know is the truth and isn't a lie. so u saying that I accusing you of something that is wrong is totally wrong. nothing that I posted was false, but only the truth, if you cannot handle the truth then get out of the kitchen. This thread was meant to let the truth out of the bag and not to TROLL on others. So as you know that you guys started nI and as you just posted "This is what I had to say. I joined 28roundslater to help make a zm place for those who lost theirs here." shows that you started 28rl as well, so where in my post AT ALL shows where you are accused? nothing but the truth.

    its a shame when i mention the truth of people, they just spit back with remarks that they were accused. just shows that some ppl can't handle the truth and pisses me off when they point it in a totally different direction as the one word meaning was meant. Had nothing to do with you not having a "home" nothing to do with you moving from communities over and over again just SPECIFICALLY that you guys are dedicated to having your own community. which was tried more than once, and this time has succeeded. so take it as you wish storm, you know that this is true, and so does everybody else.
    I am not Trolling. I am just stating the TRUTH as you would have put it. And as far as I remember you also joined nI. So you aren't exactly completely "dedicated" but yes. We are not here to accuse each other and I have no right to come on here and apparently "troll".

    But I never joined other communities just because I apparently enjoy switching community. I Did it to play my fav css mod. But if that is not allowed then my bad.

    "just shows that some ppl can't handle the truth and pisses me off"

    And I would rather not have you inviting me to Office if that is the case like you did 2 days ago.
    I will leave this as it is.
    Last edited by X-Storm; 12-06-2010 at 11:32 AM.
    »LB« Dot.: I'm a space bound rocket ship and your heart is the moon...and I'm aiming right at you!
    X-Storm: Wait what?
    »LB« Dot.: I'm a space bound rocket ship and your heart is the moon...and I'm aiming right at you!
    X-Storm: Ookaayyy then

  6. #6
    Server *****istrator N/U Special Forces
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    Ok this is my final post on this thread as I am not here to troll or bash ANYBODY. (sorry if it may seem that way)
    Yes I did join nI, it started as me just helping start the community for you guys while still playing on n\u, but then I was offered an admin position, then jr.owner position, as the donations were cheaper i accepted. but nother the less, I came back to n\u as it was my "HOME". Which I put in my post down there. I have nothing to hide. I have been with n\u for over 4 years now and will see it to the end. I may have been nieve in the past but idc, I have seen this community through thick and thin and you guys have seen it as well. So say it as you put it, I am still DEDICATED to this community with all means. And if something just so happens to it, I will GUARANTEE you, you won't see me on counterstrike. This community is the only reason why I play.

    and I only sent like 10 invites that night to get the server populated at night, i only sent YOU the invite because i can remember you were also an admin of this community who cared for it as you never did join the invite btw. And no1 said that you couldn't play you favorite css mod, as that is what you are doing along with everybody else who plays css. I blantly said you guys wanted your own community, and you got it. now goodbye, and goodnight
    Last edited by onehit; 12-06-2010 at 11:51 AM.
    effshowٿ: you backstabber!
    onehit420: backstabber?
    effshowٿ: you started the orgie without me!

  7. #7
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    Everybody chill back and just let it fly.

    The decision by the owners was already final, meaning the last decision, meaning it will not be overturned.

    I really didn't appreciate all the ignorant bashful posts, as well as the false accusations. If you would like to question each one of my members to get the answer I can tell you that I have always supported N/U even after I left as a Jr. Owner. I even hopped in office to help populate when you were having lag issues. Asian, Tara, House and some others can vouch for that.

    I am truly offended by sios' statements about my lack of knowledge and skill, etc. If I did lack this skill and knowledge, then why was I invited the back end of your servers? Now that am not an N/U work slave, I no longer have knowledge? Our clan does run a dedicated server, and yes I do work on it, and have the knowledge necessary to run and maintain it.

    You claim to build your servers, yet still talk about paying a rental bill at the end of the month? If N/U's servers are built and hosted by you, then why do admins have to pay $20-$40/mo? If they are hosted by you, then why did you have to downsize, and get on a less qualified box? It seems to me that false claims were made. Correct me if I'm wrong however. (I'm sure you will, everything that is said, always has a counter-statement)

    To clear things up:
    I left N/U at the point where I was paying $40/mo for a zombie mod server that I nor my admins could enter. I created my clan and server shortly after this. Many zm admins resigned from N/U shortly after I did (X-Storm, Miguel, Army, Handi, etc.). Yes I did ask Miguel and Storm if they wanted to start a clan and zombie server with me, and no I did not do that over N/U servers, or forums. Is there anything wrong with asking a couple of former admins who have no zombie server to play on to join me? A couple of friends who I've played this game with for years. Everyone and every community comes from somewhere. Most successful communities don't start with 1 person, it takes a network of players. Joining through members, who joined through members.

    Onehit himself stated that my invites were sent through steam, with the integrated invite system. You may also question my members and ask how many of them were asked to join my clan. The few members who joined 28RL on my doings were:
    - X-Storm
    - Miguel
    - Setsuna

    Please note that all 3 of these people left N/U after they realized that the zombie mod server was not going to be updated, and they had no zm server to play on.

    All who came after, were asked to play in the server, which is normal right? I mean you guys play in servers that are non-n/u and send out invites right? They eventually said "Hey, this definitely makes up for the lack of an N/U zm server" they joined, and invited their friends to come play who said the same thing.

    Now as for this whole "recruiting through our website" theory you have cooking up, you may be referring to the one time that Lucas was asking where the zombie mod server went, and I told him that the n/u zm went down, and that most players play on my server because there is no zm server at N/U anymore. No where in there was "Join our clan! We are better than N/U *Insert N/U Bash Here*" It was simply pointing him in the direction of a place for him to play.

    There are some people responding to this very thread that are being fairly "two-faced" for lack of a better phrase. That were had conversations with me on steam about how they were pissed of at N/U for the laggy servers when office and crackhouse was going through that time. If I had the intent to be a "leech" it would have been wise of me to throw up a crackhouse server and an office server right there and then wouldn't it?

    I will not keep N/U players from joining our servers if they feel like it. Nor will I keep players from 28RoundsLater away from your servers. They can play where they want to and I would rather have a peace between these 2 communities. I will not put anyone to blame for my clan servers going dry if that comes to happen other than myself. Blaming the community is the last thing I would resort to, as it is not their responsibility it is mine.

    However this post is completely pointless, because being a former Jr. Owner, I know how things work around here. The owners, or as you like to call yourselves, "g0ds" run shit with an iron fist. This is a dictatorship. Once you guys made that decision you weren't looking back. You ground up every little piece of information you could to put a blame on me. However, being a former Jr. Owner, I know to respect the decisions of the Owners, and like all the current N/U members are doing I will stand by your decision and respectfully take my leave.

    These are simply words on the internet that will all be erased one day, so I plead that no one takes anything in this thread to heart. I myself was a little hurt by the straight up ban, as I do not feel I was in the wrong. I mean even Sajora was asked to leave the community rather than getting banned. Pasties said "I owe him that for all the work he put in". I guess I was not as efficient in my stay with N/U.

    However, like I stated before I will respectfully stand by the decision carried out and take my leave.

    Goodbye to all my fam @N/U,

    P.S. I've asked my members to not post on this thread anymore, and apologize on their behalf.
    Last edited by iNSOMNiAK; 12-06-2010 at 12:00 PM.

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