Thank you, Rjk. While Side's ban, imho, was totally justified from what I had seen in the demo, however whatever provoked Side to act that way prior to it has become a matter of heresay. So on that note, I simply ask of NU for the same respect for DH ppl, as we give NU ppl, (as, since the time I made my first post, I have heard from other people, that people with the DH tag are essentially being looked down upon from the moment they join, and not solely by this one particular admin).

Unfortunately, the demo provides no insight to Gimp's ban- he was either muted, gagged, silenced, or simply did not talk/type during the demo. While they, for all intents and purposes, are "joined at the hip" as best friends, I find it difficult to believe that Gimp would also use racism after watching Side get banned, even moreso if proper procedures had been followed and he was gagged/muted for chat spamming. Which, sadly, leads me to believe (at this point) that he was banned from "guilt by association". If any insight into this issue can be provided, it would be greatly appreciated.

And again, Rjk, thank you so much for helping me clarify this issue, and helping to promote good relations with NU and DH.