Ok Natalya and random here is just my personal feed back on the new zombie mod name.
First off i think that it needs to reflect what kind of sever we are and also let ppl know what kind of zombie mod it is since there are now 2 basic verisons. 1st version being the zombies kill humans and humans barricade which we are. 2nd one being where the humans kill the zombies.

I too think it need a custom name like zombie hell or zombie panic just to throw out some names but i don't like the sound of Zombie Empire just doesn't sound right to me.

Just to throw this in i noticed that server name has a weapons tag on end which anyone overe the age of 5 should be able to figure out maybe take it off or replace it with unlimited ammo to let ppl know.

To be honest with ya'll thou not sure what ya'll are tring to get the server pop back up to but me personaly i won't play in a sever with over 20 some ppl just feels over crowed to me and too many ppl talking and typing at one time for me to keep up.
Also i really like the new N/U tag cause it's short and anyone that knows the community should know it and i see the whole community took it up.
Thanks Kami