I like the idea.

Though I have a small problem with the current point system.

Once i get above 5 thousand points I have to keep a 3.0 ratio to just stay even on the server (depends on who is on the server). I commonly keep a 3.0 ratio until i get to grenade level and get raped for points while I am using the glock. The last round I remember playing i was 42 and 15 and I had lost 68 points when I finally won. I am far from the best player, but winning a game with a 2.8 ratio should be worth coming away with a positive amount of points rather than negative.

Also, many people have done 10 damage or less to me and received 25 points for killing me when they surely did not deserve the points.

Maybe the multipliers could be played around with and maybe implement a system where by it compares the players weapons (glock vs ak47 is not an even fight) weighs the damage done with the weapon used against the enemies weapon to arrive at a fair value. However, since that may add a fair amount of extra stress to the server, a simple solution might be to change the glock's multiplier to a much higher value when on level 23?

or consider giving level 23 a p228 rather than a glock

Maybe I have put too much thought into it

It is just not too fun to lose points when you have an above average ratio, or only getting 2 points for killing someone with a glock when they had an automatic weapon.