DeStructah: whore do you have a problem
Natalya[AF]: who the fuck are you
DeStructah: the person whos about to make you my bitch
Natalya[AF]: umm
Natalya[AF]: okay
Natalya[AF]: sure whatever?
DeStructah: thanks for ip#
DeStructah: personal info is on the way
DeStructah: lets play
Natalya[AF]: who are you?
Natalya[AF]: you never really answered that
DeStructah: you shouldnt ban people for no reason
Natalya[AF]: o
Natalya[AF]: wait
Natalya[AF]: let me guess
Natalya[AF]: you're the assfuck who decided to come into ZM and impersonate Juu Juu and mic spam like a 2-yrold
DeStructah: when you ban people from what some little kid says and you dont see what acutally happens then you are as much a fool as he is
Natalya[AF]: even tho
DeStructah: spam?
Natalya[AF]: for mic spammin
Natalya[AF]: shutup
DeStructah: i wasnt mic spamming
Natalya[AF]: i got in game
Natalya[AF]: i saw u copied his name
DeStructah: yYEAH I DID
Natalya[AF]: that alone
Natalya[AF]: is enough
Natalya[AF]: i mean with that, whether you spammed or not is a moot point
DeStructah: i copied his name because he was breaking barricades every round
Natalya[AF]: so
Natalya[AF]: wait
DeStructah: NOW BAN HIM
Natalya[AF]: let me get this straigfht
Natalya[AF]: some guy
Natalya[AF]: is busting cades every round
Natalya[AF]: so
Natalya[AF]: you thought it'd be good
Natalya[AF]: to go
Natalya[AF]: and act like you were him?
DeStructah: yep so people would voteban him
Natalya[AF]: except
Natalya[AF]: that only makes it to get votebanned yourself
Natalya[AF]: ?!?!?!?
Natalya[AF]: LOL?
DeStructah: no i would know if they were votebanning the right one
Natalya[AF]: you need to do some serious thinking
DeStructah: no you do
DeStructah: and you should stop listening to every goddamn 15 yr old child
DeStructah: you were not there and you dont know why i copied his name
DeStructah: well you do now
Natalya[AF]: lol
Natalya[AF]: "DeStructah: and you should stop listening to every goddamn 15 yr old child"
Natalya[AF]: looooooooool
Natalya[AF]: you're one to talk
DeStructah: but you just banned me and didnt even know what was going on
DeStructah: im not 15
DeStructah: im 27
Natalya[AF]: then why u actign 15
Natalya[AF]: spamming gay ass music
DeStructah: and i dont fuck with people unless im fucked with first
Natalya[AF]: i got a demo of you doing it
Natalya[AF]: so dont even lie
DeStructah: but i refuse to have some little punk ass child thinking hes going to run over me
Natalya[AF]: well
DeStructah: be it in real life or on the net
Natalya[AF]: guess what
Natalya[AF]: he fucking did
DeStructah: no he didnt
Natalya[AF]: yea
Natalya[AF]: umm
Natalya[AF]: actually
Natalya[AF]: you got banned
Natalya[AF]: for 2 weeks
Natalya[AF]: and he didnt
Natalya[AF]: i think
Natalya[AF]: you lost
DeStructah: and ill run my goddamn fist into his skull given the first chance to
Natalya[AF]: lol okay sure whatever
Natalya[AF]: look umm
Natalya[AF]: im done talking to you
Natalya[AF]: but if you wanna keep moanign and bitching
DeStructah: for now
Natalya[AF]: then
DeStructah: ill call you later
DeStructah: then you will talk more
Natalya[AF]: you can do it here
Natalya[AF]: http://n00bunlimited.net/modules.php...ewtopic&t=5395
Natalya[AF]: yea sure whatever
Natalya[AF]: fuckign e-thug
Natalya[AF]: think you're special
Natalya[AF]: think u got my ip so u can fuck with me
Natalya[AF]: loooooooool
DeStructah: yeah acutally i can
Natalya[AF]: u know how many times people have said that?
DeStructah: i can get your isp
Natalya[AF]: and never gotten anywhere?
DeStructah: from your ip
Natalya[AF]: o wow okay
DeStructah: and from your isp i can get the account info
Natalya[AF]: what's that gonna do for you
Natalya[AF]: nothing?
DeStructah: from the account info ill have your personal info
Natalya[AF]: lawl
Natalya[AF]: allright
Natalya[AF]: well
Natalya[AF]: i'll believe it when i see it
Natalya[AF]: go eat some cocks
Natalya[AF]: im done talking to you