Well I've been toying around with the idea of an old-style ZM server that had the same settings as it did back in the days that Tara was here, but I haven't really given it enough thought but maybe we could get a server like that too because I know some people liked that way more w/o the para and no props or weapons, etc...

I guess the thing is this... ZM we have now was unable to form a solid community of players. Well, it was, but that all went down hill when Tara left and eventually it completely died. Personally I was unable to re-form that community, or to make a new one, and so after 5 months of trying I said "fuck it" and now the server is no-steamed and populated. But the thing is, its hard to form a community this way as well on the server since many of they players just sorta drift in and out, only visiting because this is one of the few no-steam servers that exists. They don't tend to stick either.

So, you have a situation where the server is completely dead on the one hand, or insanely popular on the other but in both cases a core community of players has difficulty forming. So maybe an Old-School zm server that wasn't no-steamed and didn't let STEAM_0:0:0 players in that was styled after what ZM used to be could be successful if it managed to get players from the ZM we have now who would switch between the two. The one we have now is kinda crazy and its usually too much of a blood bath for friendships to develop since its too popular (Ranked 32 among all ZM servers), but if there were a quieter one that fed off the main one then I think that would work out pretty well.

The one thing that's stopping this from ever being put into serious planning is the question of who would run it. Currently Random Hero is the only ZM Jr.Owner and he's busy with real life most of the time. I would obviously do all the server work setting it up and stuff but I wouldn't be able to admin it, considering how short-handed our current ZM server is. Thoughts anyone?