u shouldnt care that much about the koreans cause if u tell them to shush most of of them say fuck you or shut up or something like that. some of them are just spamming the mic in korean or spam gamechat with affirmative and shit. i dont kick all of them just those guys who are afk or doing shit.
and i agree with u about that rule thing. ive played a few min with vit yesterday. and it rly looks like some rules depend on what admin is playing. its just confusing. some regs come to me when im playing and said admin X/Y said some shit is illegal. they cant remember the adminname but this admin said that something was illegal.
my prob is that theres nothing on the forums about a rulechange and that they cant remember the admins name so i could talk to him.
itd be cool if every admin follows the same rules so ppl dont get confused.