NOTE: This is a major patch. We have tried to keep save games compatible between versions, but if we have not succeeded we apologize. We also strongly recommend being patient around mods; it may take a little time for mod creators to get their work updated to run with the new version of Dredmor.

? SKILL: Two new skills, Daggers and Polearms.
? SKILL: Accompanying new weapons for the Same.
? SKILL: Shields: Defensive Bash changed to scale damage by block%
? SKILL: Miscellaneous, undecipherable skill tweaks that absolutely nobody will notice.
? CORE: burn="1" effect removed from game.
? CORE: Minibosses!
? CORE: Charging, dashing monster attacks and types
? ITEM: Bolt of Mass Destruction: uses a more correct Blinding Flash effect
? UI: New screens in-game for achievements
? UI: Auto-SKOL! ALT-SHIFT-CLICK to automatically convert any item in your inventory to Lutefisk.
? UI: 2X controls are now on individual elements, instead of a global setting
? UI: Character window can now be dragged around the screen.
? UI: Crafting now has useful tooltips.
? UI: Lutefisk Cube now also has a tooltip. (Mainly, it tells you that you have Lutefisk. It's not a very useful tooltip.)
? UI: Crafting now has a button to access it on the belt panel.
? UI: Buffs that are stacked now display the # of buffs in a stack, and provide a visual cue
? UI: Page count now exists in the Tutorial list
? UI: You can now choose your title screen.
? GAMEPLAY: Miniboss support.
? FIXED: Fiery Wand now properly scales damage with Wandcrafting
? FIXED: made some more sconces unpushable
? FIXED: Glacial Burst Trap
? FIXED: Playing for Both Teams Achievement should now trigger properly.
? FIXED: position of "Digest" button on 2X UI widget
? FIXED: Blackjack. Again. Hah.
? FIXED: The weird random crash that you occasionally get going downstairs for no good reason. (We think.)
? FIXED: Don't let user trapdoor through bottom floor of the dungeon when debugging things; that's bad.
? NERFED: Promethean Magic. Again. This time via increased mana cost.
? ART: Raven sprite moved to Core game.
? ART: Raven sprite now slightly colorized.
? SFX: A bunch of new sound effects.
? GAMEPLAY: Drunkenness. It's a thing.
? GAMEPLAY: Monsters now have a sight cone, and sneaking now works better. Monsters have two states, "suspicious" and "attempting to kill you."
? GAMEPLAY: Added a Pocket Dimension, for your Storage Needs! Find a suitable set of Wizard Keys.
? GAMEPLAY: Added new achievements! (Nobody expects these to work at this point, do they? Nah.)
? MODS: Added "buff type" hints for removing buff effects from a particular skill tree.
? MODS: Custom engravings now show tooltips if they have a description.
? CORE: Total rewrite of the save-game system. Save games are now stored in directories. At some point, we will load things one level at a time (and make our autosave significantly better); this was not done for this build, but the framework is in place.
? CORE: As an added bonus, loadsave.dat is now dead.
? STEAM WORKSHOP: Various Steam Cloud issues.
? STEAM WORKSHOP: Mods are now embedded in save games, so that Steam Workshop won't automatically update, overwriting your mods and breaking your save game.
? STEAM WORKSHOP: Mods published to Steam Workshop are now tagged.
? SKILL: Level 5 Vegan will now only remove Vegan-related debuffs.
? SKILL: The Cure will only remove one random debuff instead of all debuffs.
? FIXED: Fixed a misplaced blocker in the Zomby Zoo.
? FIXED: Capacitor had something broken with it. Somewhere. We fixed it.
? SKILL: Made Essence of Battle removeable (and it'll take all your mana if you do remove it.)
? SKILL: Player can no longer resist Empowered version of Chronomantic Twist.
COTW: It exists. Go play!
