she screams my name not GOD
|ѝЅ|Th3 DJ: sios drunk and in office unlimted
Ender(less): LOL
Ender(less): he's the best when drunk
|ѝЅ|Th3 DJ: meet me there?
Ender(less): you can get him to say shit
Ender(less): A LOT
|ѝЅ|Th3 DJ: lol
Ender(less): nah, spending some time w/the gf
Ender(less): =P
|ѝЅ|Th3 DJ: ahh
|ѝЅ|Th3 DJ: i see how it is
|ѝЅ|Th3 DJ: she lets you be then uses you for sex
Ender(less): rofl
Ender(less): i don't mind
|ѝЅ|Th3 DJ: lol
Ender(less): sundays our our time together
Ender(less): =P
|ѝЅ|Th3 DJ: awww
|ѝЅ|Th3 DJ: its like church
Ender(less): we work so much thru the week
Ender(less): annnnddddd
|ѝЅ|Th3 DJ: but with naked part touching
Ender(less): fuck you
Ender(less): faggot
|ѝЅ|Th3 DJ: and no clergy faggory
|ѝЅ|Th3 DJ: so... its better then church
Ender(less): it's nothing like church
|ѝЅ|Th3 DJ: exsacly
|ѝЅ|Th3 DJ: thats why its better then church
Ender(less): tho she does scream "o god" a lot...
Ender(less): maybe it is
|ѝЅ|Th3 DJ: LOL
|ѝЅ|Th3 DJ: im so posting this on the forum
Ender(less): haha
Last edited by enderless; 06-20-2010 at 07:45 PM.
This is a whole load of fails. Why is ender even allowed to speak?
Luv ya enderless
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