Hey whats goin on? I would like to join "Word". I'm 17 goin on 18 in 2 weeks here. I have roughly 3 years of experiance playing CSS. I don't have a specific favorite map. I am down for them all. My more experianced ones though are Dust 2, Mill, Season, Contra, Office, and train. The guns i would say that I am best with are Ak, M4, Awp/Scout. Down the line I am good with about all weapons, and I am experiance with them all. I was cal O at one time, and am also considering trying to join the cal team for "Word" in the future perhaps. I know a fair amount of the players in "Word" through playing on the NU servers. I have also played on NU since I started playing this game.
I have always enjoyed playing the servers. Most of the players are experianced and helped me get better at the game as a player and also as a person. I would like to be apart of the server so I can do the same for others.

put age experience fav guns maps etc. put why you like nu and why you would help the community