Basically there have been alot of things going on that I am not too thrilled about in the server. I will attempt to name a few. I will not mention names but you know who you are. I have been lenient and patient with most of you but now it has gotten to a point where I must put my foot down.

Abuse - I understand that ZM is not as strict as some of the other servers when it comes to admin commands but things are starting to get out of hand. Respawning yourself after you become a zombie is NOT ACCEPTABLE. Additionally, using your admin powers to get to unreachable places is becoming too common. Personally, I'm okay with it if you give yourself up near the end of the round or dont shoot at ppl. However, some are not doing so and are taking advantage of other players. This needs to stop. Teleport and noclip have already been taken away due to admin abuse. I don't want to see any of these other commands be taken away due to the stupidity of a select few.

Respect - The rules say to respect the admins. However, admins should conduct themselves in a way that is respectful to players as well. You were all once players too and being treated like shit by an admin was never fun. If anything, admins should respect the players more than the players respect each other. I'm not saying you can't talk shit, just dont cross the line or start delivering personal attacks.

The Koreans - Yes the koreans are annoying, don't obey the rules, and are incapable of speaking english. However, they are still players in the server and unless they do something against the rules, they WILL be treated as any other player in the server. The Koreans are capable of team-play and you will not abuse them for your own personal amusement.

Prop-stacking - As of right now, I am setting the rules for prop stacking. Inside a building (with a standard height ceiling), the limit is 2 props. Outside and in buildings with elevated ceilings, the limit will be 3 props. Infractions of this rule will result in a kick and repeated infractions will result in a day ban.

Admin Conduct - Personally, I am appalled at the conduct of a large portion of the admins here recently. I am actually embarrassed to be seen playing with you at times. The way you talk to each other as well as other players is disgraceful. If some of our regulars decide to go creat their own ZM server, thats fine. They are not admins, they have every right to make their own server. However, you will see that they continue to play here as well. This is because 99% of all new servers never make it off the ground. Believe me, I've tried and tried but its damn near impossible. So don't give other players shit about opening their own server because chances are it will fail anyways. There's alot of other things that I could say but I don't feel like typing that much. Basically, clean up your act.

Please reply to this message with a post saying "Read and Signed". ALL ZM Admins, with the exception of the Jr. Owners, MUST SIGN. Do not leave feedback.

Sorry if I stepped on any toes in saying this, but I have to get this off my chest.