Hello once again, all people of N/U. Today I found out something interesting, and I can consider this a theory. The reason why Sio is 'ignoring' this post is because he thinks that I kicked EVERYONE FROM THE SCRIM. This is not true. The Rcon Command RCON KICK ALL DOES NOT EXIST. And to show proof of my statements, I have a few things for you readers.

Quote on June 4, 2008 at Exactly 8:36 PM.

InternaL<3: sup bitch
Savo?: what up
InternaL<3: nm
Savo? is now playing Counter-Strike: Source. Click here to join.
Savo?: sweet
Savo?: playing in nu?
Savo?: lol get me unbanned
InternaL<3: of course
InternaL<3: lol no admin, atleast yet
Savo?: you love me right?
Savo?: righttt?
InternaL<3: idk
Savo?: well
Savo?: honestly, cause i know this and not to be mean, but nosympathy is lying. cause when i typed kick all, it didnt work, no one was kicked
Savo?: and you know it
Savo?: i just kicked cinder
InternaL<3: i kno
Savo?: thank god.
Savo?: sio thinks i kicked everyone.
Savo?: since you were honest, ill ask you first
Savo?: can i use this as proof in a post on the forums?
InternaL<3: idc
Savo?: ok
Savo?: ty
InternaL<3: wish u would get wat u want so you would stfu.. lol
Savo?: lol

As you all can see, Internal (part of the word cal team) even agrees and knows that I did not kick everyone. Its a lie. And to prove this even more, here is a list of sites with RCON COMMANDS. If you check them out, you will see that the command KICK ALL ..... DOES NOT EXIST!!

Typed in----www.google.com-----> CSS RCON COMMANDS




Typed in----www.google.com----> Counter-Strike Source Rcon Commands

http://www.counter-strike.com/command_rcon.php <---------



As you guys can see.. Yet again.. I only Kicked Cinder, which was still a mistake and I appologize. BUT I DID NOT KICK EVERYONE. Please, Im asking for an unban. Compromise.. please. I have the proof right there..

Thanks. S a v o ?