Hello all people of N/U and N/U players. About a week and a half ago, I was banned Perm. from all N/U servers. And I am here writing this in a protest and a wishful unban. Here is the full, non bull-shit story of how it went. And, ahead of time, I do apologize for my terrible, unruly behavior.

I believe it was a Friday night last week, and I was scrimming for fun with some word people (some of which I remember are: Cinder, Internal, NoSympathy and someone else). These were not matches of any sort. Just 5 people looking to scrim. So we did. And in one of the matches, I did something I regret and shouldn't have done. Some information before I go on is that Cinder and I were in Raze together a while back, and since then we have always 'fucked' around and messed with eachother. I believe NoSymp and some other word people didnt know this. Continuing... I believe it was around the end of the match, or close to it, where Cinder and I started cussing eachother out and what not. NoSympathy did not know that this was, joking around cussing and arguing, that is how I interpreted it. Then I was kicked from the N/U scrim server and the reason was amoung these lines, "Stop disrespecting my players" I then rejoined the scrim server and guessed the rcon password. Running through my mind at that time was the thought that Cinder had kicked me because I was yelling at him. Once i guessed Rcon, I typed Kick all (the only reason I typed that was because it was close to the end of the match and we were losing anyway, anyother time, i would never do that. Its a dick move). Thankfully, I am a dumbass enough to not know the command to do that, meaning the command 'Kick All' DID NOT WORK. NO ONE WAS KICKED. I then just simply typed rcon kick cinder (cannot remember his full name at the time) and cinder was kicked. All this was ment as a joke, no harm intended, but some people took it serious. Sio found out and then banned me from all servers without hearing my side of the story, so here it is.

I believe Sio had said that I did not have permission to use rcon, which I agree 100%. But i did guess it, and if I were a dick and ment for harm to any of the N/U servers, I could have done a lot worse. I could have crashed the server or banned everyone at that time. But I would NEVER, never do something like that, its not who I am.
Concluding, What I did was not so bad, it indeed was a terrible mistake and I admit I was not thinking before I accessed rcon. All I did was kick Cinder, when there could have been a lot worse done. Like I said before, I would never do anything to harm the N/U servers because I have been playing on them ever since I got the game.

Hopfully I can get another chance and I apologize once again for my intolerable acts. I am sorry to disrespect the N/U Admins, Community, and Owners. I hope that people reading this will see that I made a mistake, and everyone does in their life, we are only human. Another chance is all Im asking, Thanks Everyone.

S a v o ?