Ok, As you know, Im Soviet... I have played on N/U for about a year or two or three(I dont remember). recently i have played on the Minigame server more and more, everyday. But i especially love playing when someone plays music. But, i have noticed that now, we cannot play music anymore and im starting to get a little bored... Now my question is, If the MAJORITY of the people in the server enjoy the music being played by a dj... then why not let them play? I know that there is a very VERY fine line between Mic Spamming and playing music but, i beleive that if the people inside the server enjoy it, then why not? The while that i have been here, i have found out that N/U is one of the best, player-friendly, servers i have ever played on. Now, do not get me wrong. If an admin is on, and requests, or says "Stop" or "Quit" then, by all means, we have to stop. Admins could also make sure that the players want the music but initiating a vote, can they not? I only brought this up, because i love hearing music inside the server, it makes me want to play more, i know MANY of my frienes inside the server love it as well. AND it tends to keep people in good moods, and good spirts so people get ALONG.... Please Post..