Quote Originally Posted by royalewitcheese
lol alter. Your on t side camping. This seems like a Tiberian move. Camp T side for 50 rounds in a row and eventually get a redicoulous good run on kills. Can I ask why you would even post this? Its really easy to camp proj room in reg office. I find it baffling that this would even cross your mind to post. We already have the top hlstat player on that server who plays just T and comes in racks up 60 kills to 5 deaths then get steamswitched and instead specs and rejoins T side. Now if you pulled something remarkable as a holy shit on ct side with kills on some of the top regs there then it would be special
IDK i didn't camp projector room at all actually i camped storage room for 2-3 rounds right after ludicrious kill but thats pretty much it.. but hey i was bored at 6 am and i felt like sharing for some reason