OK maybe you should read the rules before you bitch and moan about how you were kicked from the server for breaking them. You were firewalling a VENT!!!! Venting is against the rules it does not matter if you use props or not siting in a vent shooting zombies is ILLEGAL!!! ive been playing in the n/u zm server for somewheres around 2 years i know the rules and i know the illegal spots in a majority of the maps, im not some random scrub off the streets bitching and moaning( like you are). Anyspot that you are crouching in (tubes, vents, crouch spots in general) are ILLEGAL!!!! Twice you ahve done something illegal in the server, the first time I got an admin and he kicked you, the second time you did something else ILLEGAL and you got kicked again. You keep bitching and whining on how you are being wrongfully removed from the server and that you are perfect and know all of the rules when you OBVIOUSLY DO NOT. LEARN THE RULES PLAY THE GAME FAIRLY AND HAVE FUN. when players LIKE YOU break the rules it is a great disrespect to everyone else to every one who has ever followed the rules in the zombie mod server. AGAIN READ THE RULES FOLLOW THEM YOU WONT BE KICK AND U WONT HAVE TO BITCH AND CRYA BOUT IT!!!.