wow. some really serious shit here. like noogy said kamikaze, this place is like a second home, a second family. that's why most of us stay here and can't leave. i know it's been like that for me.

i think my biggest shocker was aug 1, 2008. after failing out of college at iowa state i came home and my best friend from high school told me that she had wanted to kill herself for a long time. we had been talking for the past year, but we had just started to really get close that summer. scared the hell out of me. on a whim, i asked her to go out with me. she said yes and we've been going out ever since. unfortunately, she still deals with suicidal thoughts on an almost daily basis and is anorexic. i've been doing my best to get inside her head and it's been working slowly. i'm just praying she stays alive each day.