I think many of you are getting things wrong, I didnt post this to slander deuce or burrito. I did this to allow our players a insight into what I have been thinking about for quite sometime. from deuce saying he is going to sue us, to burrito and his childish antics.
I confronted a player today who has been a regular on N|U servers for years(who i also considered a friend), I was told that he was telling other N|U regs not to play on our servers anymore. When i confronted him I asked if this was true, he said indeed it was. I then showed him this post early in the day when it was only my post. he replied "I am going to have to check with deuce and burrito to see if "my story" was correct". I replied, i dont care if you believe me or not. take it for what it is. I then asked him why he would do such a thing in the first place, he told me it was because i stole money from deuce.
The reason i am telling the N|U community of this convo, is to show you that i have nothing to hide from. If you feel that you dont want to play on my servers because you think that we stole money from anyone(let alone deuce) than you are sadly mistaken. for the people like this person (who i did not ban, becuase i obviously have more respect for him, than he does for me)I hope you are happy at your new server. The last thing i said to this person was, I am not going to ban him for disrespect or w.e, but i dont want to see him on my servers until he has grown up.

Many of you know me, for quite sometime. If i am anything i am truthful.
Regs/admins/friends come and go, IF YOU DONT HAVE YOUR WORD--YOU DONT HAVE SHIT.

This will be my last post on this subject.

Owner Of N|U