Dear Administrators and fellow users of NoobUnlimited D2 Server,

I on behalf of the entire OMG Clan would like to apologize for the use of wallhacks against other players. I would also like to clarify that only the following people used said wallhacks in NU-

{OMG} -ME- and `8wire| Element

And for the people who didn't, I apologize for giving them a bad name, especially-
Docholiday, Biohazard,and Shanerd

Bio posted on our website this message-

ok heres the thing....some of our members experimented with wall hacks in our server to see what it was they were up against in servers from hackers , but heres the problem....some are still using them....I have a large number of friends including admins from multiple server communities...N/U...U/B...and it was brought to my attention that some of our people were using walls...this is extremely embarrassing to try to explain.
This type of behavior is UNACCEPTABLE it is giving OMG a bad name some are already talking about it, I have been asked by a few people and frankly I DONT LIKE IT!!
I think most of our members like me and we get along pretty good........with that said...heres is my solution...with out threatening to kick anyone for hacking...I'll leave it to you all to decide......
KEEP HACKING = BioHaZarD will leave OMG simple and to the point...those of you who have become my friends..if this means something to you then if you see or know of any of our members hacking dont just let it go do something about it!! but be sure you know for sure...record a demo post it or send it to one of the leaders to review to be sure then the appropriate action will be taken...when i say do something i dont mean take things into your own hands but help us put an end to it.
I personally will not tolerate this type of behavior from anyone...I dont hack if i cant win on my own then fuck it i guess i dont need to win then or i need to practice more..but my out look on the whole thing is I dont like to look bad to others...if i make myself look bad thats my problem...someone else makes me look bad...I'm gonna make it their problem. I look out for OMG as a whole but this also effects me on an individual level because i have friends that are admins in servers this shits happening in.
Thanks for taking the time to read this. BiO

This has spoken to every omg member because we want Bio to stay around.

I know this isn't much to say,
but the whole point is to clear every omg member from accuses of using walls because we have agreed to stop in order to keep bio around.
