best of luck sajora, sad to see you go.
well i think the title pretty much says all. im leaving NU after 6/7 years. i had a good time and even though im leaving this will be my #1 community. its killing me to do this so this post wont be very long. it sucks to leave but ...
i know a lot of you will be happy to hear this. but instead of thinking what bullshit you can say on here you should just go fuck yourselves. (sorry for these words but i believe the right guys will understand).
one of the owners just delete my account please. have a nice time and keep your work up. i wish NU the best.
best of luck sajora, sad to see you go.
I am very sorry to see you go, I wish you all the luck in the world.
Your friend
Turtletara420: Hahahaha. Pasties Yes Ur the master....always
Turtletara420: Prob. shouldn't have said that, but yes...Ur the master!!! I bow at ur feet! Oh master how can I serve
Good luck in life, it was fun playing with you.
why you goin? =o
well, gl to wherever you may go =o
I watched the stupidity of mankind through the scope of my rifle[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal]You call down the Thunder, Now reap the Whirlwind[/COLOR]
It has been fun playing with you.
don't be afraid to add me back on steam.
you friend, onehit
effshowٿ: you backstabber!
onehit420: backstabber?
effshowٿ: you started the orgie without me!
well even tho we had our moment sajora i just want you to know that i am sorry to see you go. i know how much you loved it here man and i still think you were one hell of an admin. so keep safe and maybe i will see you around someday or time. N/U will still love you sajora you put in alot of years and dedication here so noone will forget you man.until we meet again stay up on your game man cya.
Well it's sad to see you leave....but had some good time and i wanted to say thank you for all the help you gave me and the server over the years! Best of Luck
[COLOR="Magenta"]6:32 PM - V A N E S S A: umm i have to go to the store in alittle when i come back i'll go on
6:32 PM - V A N E S S A: since i misss YOHHHH SOOO MUCHH![/COLOR]
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good luck
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