<3 dot
you are the reason i smile every day...don't tell my wife
Westsidecali and 4 corners added.
[COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B]N/U Retiree[/B]
8:45 PM - V A N E S S A: give me a sex
2:53 PM - Tara Ann ت: just wanted to say you're adorable[/COLOR]
<3 dot
you are the reason i smile every day...don't tell my wife
Pastiez: I OWN YOU
Hellscreams: Tru...
Pastiez: You're my bitch!
Hellscreams: It fits...
Added ServerAd that states:
Have map suggestions for the server? Tell us in our forums @ n00bunlimited.net!
I suspect players would enjoy playing more on a server that have maps they like, and where their voices and opinions mean something.
- Dotty.
[COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B]N/U Retiree[/B]
8:45 PM - V A N E S S A: give me a sex
2:53 PM - Tara Ann ت: just wanted to say you're adorable[/COLOR]
I actually think we should start looking at maps that we never play anymore. And maybe take them off. We constantly get new maps for zm, but we don't even play half of them.
can we add that other version of little city? I forget what version it was though.
v7_roy version?
i think thats the one
Sheen, i added v7 roy to the admin maplist, i also alphabetized the newer added maps, but they are all still behind af_omega.
Can someone upload these to the webserver for me.
FPSBANANA > Maps > CS:S ZombieMod > Zombie Mod > zm_little_city_v7_roy
FPSBANANA > Maps > CS:S ZombieMod > Zombie Mod > zm_an_kapras
FPSBANANA > Maps > CS:S ZombieMod > Zombie Mod > zm_ATIX_apocalypse_b6
FPSBANANA > Maps > CS:S ZombieMod > Zombie Mod > zm_Windship_beta3
FPSBANANA > Maps > CS:S ZombieMod > Zombie Mod > zm_floating_rock_v5
FPSBANANA > Maps > CS:S ZombieMod > Zombie Mod > zm_subway_v5
FPSBANANA > Maps > CS:S ZombieMod > Zombie Mod > zm_miniature_room_v1
Last edited by DoT; 05-31-2010 at 08:35 PM.
[COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B]N/U Retiree[/B]
8:45 PM - V A N E S S A: give me a sex
2:53 PM - Tara Ann ت: just wanted to say you're adorable[/COLOR]
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