Quote Originally Posted by SeanConnery View Post
Can we look at maybe removing some of the maps from the server? I have had numerous complaints about the following maps:

zm_ghsflats - too dark and lame
zm_underground_imp - too many tubes to camp in and crouch spots, admin nightmare. no props.
zm_silenthillhell - Zombies do nothing but suicide for credits, nice concept but just doesnt seem to work. also no great hiding spots or props

zm_pyramid - way too small for full group and half of the map your crouching around anyway in the pyramid

zm_egypt - HUGE map, no props just running around

zm_fidlersgreen - not sure but on my list.
None of these are in the mapcycle, so I'm assuming you mean off the admin map list...Done.

And if someone would upload those new maps to the webserver and let me know when it's done I'll hook them up.