We have many such conversations..more to come

Ender(less): i got ur maps too hoe
Hellscreams: whoa whoa whoa
Hellscreams: you can't use that word
Ender(less): gonna upload em right now
Hellscreams: Hoe is OUR WORD
Hellscreams: how dare you
Ender(less): =P
Ender(less): how bout hoebag?
Hellscreams: No no no, Hoe no matter what form is forbidden except among other Hoe's ..so if one Hoe says What's up my hoebag that's ok..but if a nonhoe says, you da hoe..well consider yourself brought up on racism charges
Ender(less): but i'm g0d
Ender(less): so i can
Hellscreams: no no no i can't say g0d as a term of exasperation..or an insult like g0d your stupid..because that would be blasphemy, but you being a g0d could