Stillsuit covers the entire body. It is like a wetsuit, except its for land.
Keps odor in, so dogs cant pick you up.
NanoKnife, those exctremely sharp knives that are made of titanium and another elemnt that can be sharpened to a few molecules.

I live in alaska, nuf said =D
Get away car? Hmmm.
Seriously. noone would know, until to late.
I mean, seriously?
its probably some fat guy in his Gma's basement.
Just have to break in and take him out no?
Doubt any camers will see =D

Quote Originally Posted by HellscreamsRage View Post
at least you didn't quote us a price for the defense attourney once this horrible plan (nanoknife? COME ON) comes to fruition and i don't think even OJ's lawyers could get you off, well 2 are dead (1 i know from Keeping up with the Kardasians) and Cochrane was just too big for this world. Your not even mentioning rubber gloves, booties for your feet so you don't leave treadmarks, dark mask to cover your face, spray paint or object to knock out any cameras in the area, car to get there, getaway cars (you need to switch to another one during the getaway to throw ppl off the trail)

You also need an alibi, witnesses (paid off of course) who corroborate your whereabouts at the time of the murder and usually having a souvenir from that place (item/receipt with your credit card number) with the vendor being one of those paid off witnesses possibly even a fudged video recording of you there with correct time and date on video...