Hang in there! After the honeymoon period comes a "dormant" time. Stand and I went through this too. Every married couple does. Keep communication open. Remember what brought you together in the first place. Love her even when you don't want to. Be her best friend. Listen to each other. If you endure the hard times, it makes the good times so much sweeter. Life is hard. Finances get rough. But if you work together through everything, you will be a stronger, better couple in the end. I have had to make compromises and so has Stand, but we have been married for almost 14 years now and he is still my very best friend. I am more in love with him now than I was then. But believe me, we have had our moments. Stay strong and don't give up. When you want to walk away, hug her. That means a lot. When you want to say I'm through, tell her you love her. Believe me it will do good to your heart and hers. You guys will be ok I hope. Message me anytime you need advise. I will be here.