well first of all you are right you have no idea what you are talking about, If i could restart/update the fucking servers i would have. I DO have a life outside of NU, and you telling me that i should be doing something for this community is besides the point. Just remember you might be a old fuck, but i have been looking after this community for over 7 years and ran it by myself for over 4 of those years, so you coming in here ranting about 1 month that it is not looked after correctly kinda sucks. My only point here is that not all things can be corrected on your time. Please be more careful in the future with your finger pointing.

P.s. I did get your msg and yes i did ask if jackd was on, then i was gone looking after my family with is 10,000 times more important, sorry if i stepped on your toes. But buck up my friend you are not the only one.

I love this community more than anyone can ever know, and yes i have been slacking as of late, but i think i am well over due for a break. You look after a community for 7 years and look after all the shit that i have for those 7 years and then you can come in here and tell me how to do things. until then you can suck a dick, sorry for the rant but i had to get it out.

Death i am sorry i had to be so blunt but your post really pissed me off.