Well, I don't really know if this is apporiate due to I have no clue but..

Where are you guys in game? Meaning, if life stops your gaming then so be it, but i would say, and again i just came back as well from life issues.. but this community is in defcon 3 right now and needs everyone on the same team.

I see people post on forums, and I know checking forums is easy via Phone, Laptop, Work etc etc, and playing CS:S is usually only at home, but try to make some game time in if you can. This goes towards the admins and the owners as well. Only ones I see daily, and I have ZERO LIFE, i stay home all day, game, smoke weed, and game and game and sleep. Til college in Jan

I see you guys posting, but not playing. With the community so low, I mean 8-16 people is all we can usually get the server going with on a daily basis, with 16-20 being the peak and 8-12 max usually the avg.

also the word guys need to hop in more, and also the bloodred thing, idk whats with that, but that sounds like someone from NU left made a new community, and then well, ill shut up, but ya..

just my 2 cents, since I been around this community for years under m3ow, SapR, or KilrBe3 handles, and been a Admin and life has taken me away a few times, and I never really put roots into the community, more of just a player and observer and your avg high times bloke.