Pen suggested that I post here in the forums so here it goes. I've been playing CSS since June 13, I remember the date b/c it was the day before Poulty Days (those of you who do not play ultimate frisbee would not understand). I am a grad student at UNC and I teach science and math to some of the worst of the worst of the worst here in Durham/Orange County in NC - yes, I meant that 3 times, two of my students have a murder charge against them.
My original game was Starcraft. In fact, I'd bet money I could beat most everyone here in a 1v1 LT/Gaia/Long/etc game. However I got tired of waiting for Blizzard to put out SC2 so I bought the Halo2/CSS package and I haven't been disappointed since. So this is it. I drink most every night I play for more than a few minutes. Hell, rather, I drink most every night. But I am not using that as an excuse for my gameplay, rather I am using it as an excuse for my typing/talking patterns.