Operating System Cloning over network:

One major bottleneck in above process is we have to physically open boxes, connect harddrive to Master box and the run clone process. This is easier in case of desktops where you have a liberty to connect external drives (IDE, SCSI bus). But Laptop can hardly house one IDE drive in general and there are no easy way to open and connect second drive for cloning. Thus above process will be highly useful if cloning process can be used over network. There are several possible combination presented here. Idea here is we have Master Linux box up and running over network and we boot slave box having harddrive which is to be cloned but we use some alternate media such as boot CD and boot slave linux using root file system on CD itself *NOT* on harddrive so that we are free to write on slave hardrive.
Master Box-----------network-----------Slave box
[OS(Linux) up and running] [ Booting *NOT * using slave drive]

One of Following 3 methods can be used to boot slave box using alternative media.

Method [1] Making your own root filesystem on ext2 CDROM. (Not Scalable )

One can make a small Linux distribution (less than 650MB) which can fit into CDROM. Burn this CDROM with ext2 filesystem (not ISO9660) and then use Linux boot floppy to boot from and use CDROM ext2 file system as / (root) file system (read only) (instead of root file system on Harddrive). This process although is doable but has issues like you need to have all possible drivers for network, SCSI etc. Making your custom ext2 read only file system on CD and booting from it would be quite a trial and error issue. If you are interested in making such Cds or bootable CDs see reference section for links. I once did that to clone HP Omnibook 6000 laptops loaded with Linux+Win2K OS together and it worked pretty okay but this is not a scalable solution though.

Method [2] Using popular Linux distribution and floppy combination.

On a similar line Linux distribution such as RedHat/SuSe boot CDROM at OS install time will allow you to boot into some kind of rescue system. In case of RedHat boot from RedHat OS CD and at initial OS install prompt type 'linux rescue ' at the boot time and this will let you use CDROM as root file system and provide you a shell prompt. Linux distribution uses this facility to repair problematic Linux install but we will use this for getting just shell prompt. Great thing about this is most Linux distribution comes up with lots of popular SCSI, network drivers so you don't have to worry about cooking your custom bootable CD.

Many common utilities including 'dd' command usually available in rescue mode. However you need netcat (static binary not dynamically linked) command. You can download netcat distribution and recompile it as a static binary (use -static flag). When I compiled it is small enough to fit into one floppy. So you can copy this into floppy. (I formatted floppy in ext2 format and then mounted in Linux system, copied netcat binary there.)

mkfs /dev/fd0
mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
cp nc /mnt/floppy
umount /mnt/floppy

So with 'linux rescue' mode and netcat binary on floppy you can use dd and netcat to clone your system over network. As we will see below.

Method [3] Modifying popular Linux distribution CDs and recreating your personal bootable ISO image:

If for some reason netcat won't fit in 1 floppy or you need more utility/binaries. Then you can change Linux distribution (SuSe/RedHat CD). This is a little hack but works.

NOTE: ISO images are read-only file systems. Even if you have an iso image (Say by using dd command )
dd if=/dev/cdrom of=redhat-boot-cd.iso
and if you try to mount this iso file using loopback device with option read/write (-o rw) (you need to have loopback device support (CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP=y) compiled in kernel to do that)
mount -o loop -o rw ./redhat-boot-cd.iso /mnt/cdrom
This won't allow you to write/modify ISO filesystem.

I haven't found any good solutions to edit iso image directly , One such tool is winISO (http://www.winiso.com ) this is a shareware package so you have to pay for it. But you can use this to add more files in your ISO image and burn new image back to new CD. If you know any better solution let me know also

Following steps are useful for adding additional files in RedHat bootable ISO image and burning a new CDs with additional files as of your choice.

First mount RedHat CD (say RedHat 7.1). mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
Create a directory where you store stuff what goes on new CD. mkdir /home/cdburn
cd /mnt/cdrom
(tar cbf 20 - *) | (cd /home/cdburn | tar xvbf 20 -)
This tar command will copy whole CD (~650MB to your Harddrive). In most cases you do not need all CD. Important stuff you need from directories, dosutils/, images/, RedHat/base. But if you do not want to play much simply copy the whole CD as above tar command and then you can delete RedHat/RPMS directory. These are simply RPM packages and since our intention is not to install OS from CD so we don't need that.
Create subdirectory directory mkdir /home/cdburn/mystuff/ and add all your stuff such as static version of netcat binary etc. there.
Now delete all TRANSLATION TABLES (TRANS.TBLS) files, otherwise mkisofs command will complain. find ./ -name "TRANS.TBL" -exec /bin/rm {} \;
Make bootable iso image out of above distribution (/home/cdburn). Use mkisofs (part of mkisofs-1.9-6 package). The command below will create a bootable ISO image using initial boot image specified by -b, the -c option is for the boot catalog file. The -r option will make appropriate file ownership and modes. This iso image redhat-bootcd.iso is very similar to what is provided by RedHat except it will have our stuff also and we may have deleted any unnecessary contents such as RedHat/RPMS directory.
mkisofs -r -b images/boot.img -c boot.catalog -o /tmp/redhat-bootcd.iso ./
Finally burn this iso image redhat-bootcd.iso using your cd-burner.
Now the Real drill:
Whatever method you choose to boot slave machine ( RedHat bootable CD + floopy or custom bootable RedHat CD), ultimate aim is to obtain shell, dd and netcat binary after 'linux rescue'. After you get shell you can access files stored on boot CD by changing directory to /mnt/sources/mystuff .
Hopefully your ethernet card has been detected by now. (as most Linux distributions allow OS install over network) if not then you have to load drivers for your ethernet card. Linux distribution documentation usually tells that how and sometimes they provide extra drivers floppy. In case of RedHat these floppy images are generally stored under directory images/ and you can copy these images to your floppy using commands like
dd if=<floppy> of=/dev/fd0

*more below*